24ASSCL62 - Beginning Mosaics

Yetti Frenkel

6/2—8/4, 9-weeks, 1—4 pm (No class 7/7)

Design an image for mosaic and learn to cut, apply, grout, produce, and maintain a finished product. We will review the history of this art form as we work with a variety of materials to create indoor and outdoor mosaics as well as a three-dimensional sculptural mosaic. Most materials provided.

Level: [BEG-INT]  



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  • [ALL] - All - All levels welcome.
  • [BEG] - Beginner - No experience required.
  • [NOV] - Novice - Basic drawing skills. One or more courses and some familiarity with the subject and/or media.
  • [INT] - Intermediate - Two or more courses in the media and/or subject and a solid understanding of drawing.
  • [ADV] - Advanced - Three or more courses in the media and/or subject and a solid understanding of drawing.


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